Women's empowerment is about getting women equal opportunities and rights that men get in every aspect. Ensuring that women have equal opportunities and rights is critical for developing our society and the economy. Over the years, several changes have taken place, and women are getting recognition and equal opportunities in certain facets of society. However, there is still a long way to go.
Here are five ways we can empower women globally.
Women are now becoming an equal part of the workforce worldwide. However, the number of women in leadership roles such as CEOs, CFOs, and managing directors is still scarce. Women entering leadership roles provide other women with an opportunity to grow. Women leaders can help make male-dominant industries such as tech and construction work more inclusive.
Even though women have become a significant part of the workforce, they still struggle with gender bias when landing job offers. Human resources still overlook female candidates for jobs for reasons that are often not related to skills or qualities required for that position. More focus should be given to creating job opportunities that are not
Promoting female entrepreneurship is one of the best ways to empower women in society. Entrepreneurship enables women to become leaders in their businesses. It also gives them the power to promote other women in their business. They are also more successful as leaders, contributing more to the economy.
One of the significant facets where the gender pay gap occurs is the salary that men and women receive for the same job. In many countries, this pay gap still exists and is often huge. One of the best ways to discourage unequal pay is to create strict policies against it and take legal actions in case such occurrences come to light in a workplace.
Merely creating rules and policies cannot truly empower women. Women go through several discriminatory situations every day since childhood that diminishes their self-confidence. So empowerment needs to start at the grassroots level. Providing womens mentoring network to women during the early stages of their careers can help them shape their careers and life. It also helps them become more confident and self-reliant individuals.
Gender equality is a huge issue that has had its claws in society for the past several centuries. To overcome this mammoth of a problem will take years of work. However, constant efforts at all levels are required to succeed at this, together.
Pretty Girls Rock is a community of strong women who unite to uplift and empower other women. We help fellow women with every aspect of their lives. Whether you want a new job or need help getting fit, we can help you with our various women empowerment program. Join our live events and become a member to be a part of our digital network and grow with us. You can reach out to us at 832-429-7678 or fill out our online contact form to hear back from us.