Every Month We Highlight a Different Outstanding Member of Our Sisterhood!
I'm an Artist, Multimedia Designer, Meditation Host, and an Executive Producer.
I'm all those things and I'm a spiritual being, having a human experience.
I'm on a journey, just like everybody here, trying to grow and figure things out and making lots of mistakes, and I'm trying to get up and do a little better every day. Along the way I hope to enhance the life of everyone I work with.
ARTIST: I have worked on Blade Runner, Kung Fu Panda, and Ford vs Ferrari movie posters.
MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER: I've had designed websites, apparel, video, and ads for Tony Lindsay (Santana), Richard Dashut (Fleetwood Mac), Denny Laine (Wings), James Hong (The Big Bang Theory and Seinfeld), and many more.
MEDITATION HOST: Every Thursday and Sunday, I'm contributing to humanity's inner peace with Steve Ross, who is best known for the Dr. Oz Show and Russell Simmons' book DO YOU!
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Album - Give Love a Chants Live Ecstatic Chanting
Pretty girls are ladies in service making a difference while also supporting and loving on each other.